
Essential Requirements

To check on Teletalk web utilization, switch *152#
To join up Teletalk web bundle, deliver text in order to 111 using the bundle key word (D1/F1)
To get Teletalk web configurations, deliver text established in 738
With regard to assist, switch 01550157750 (prepaid) or even 444 (postpaid)

2G or SIDE or GPRS Deals
Bundle Information Quality (days) Price (bdt)
D1 five MEGABYTES one three
D2 twenty MEGABYTES two eight
D3 thirty MEGABYTES seven fifteen
D4 two hundred and fifty MEGABYTES fifteen eighty
D5 1GB thirty one hundred and eighty
D6 thirty GIGABITE thirty six hundred
D8 five hundred MEGABYTES fifteen a hundred and twenty
D9 twenty five GIGABITE thirty six hundred
F16 1GB thirty a hundred seventy five
F18 4 GIG thirty three hundred
F20 thirty GIGABITE thirty six hundred
3-G or three. 5G Deals
Bandwidth Bundle Information Quality (days) Price (bdt)
256 killerbytes per second D35 forty MEGABYTES three twenty five
256 killerbytes per second D13 five hundred MEGABYTES thirty two hundred
256 killerbytes per second D14 1GB ten a hundred seventy five
256 killerbytes per second D15 two GIGABITE thirty four hundred
256 killerbytes per second D16 4 GIG thirty six hundred
256 killerbytes per second D17 twenty five GIGABITE thirty 1050
512 killerbytes per second D18 twenty MEGABYTES one eight
512 killerbytes per second D37 one hundred MEGABYTES five fifty
512 killerbytes per second D19 1GB ten one hundred sixty
512 killerbytes per second D31 1GB thirty 260
512 killerbytes per second D20 two GIGABITE thirty three hundred and fifty
512 killerbytes per second D38 three GIGABITE thirty 425
512 killerbytes per second D36 three GIGABITE one hundred and eighty one thousand
512 killerbytes per second D21 five GIGABITE thirty six hundred
512 killerbytes per second D22 10GB thirty 825
512 killerbytes per second D32 thirty GIGABITE thirty 1,500
one mbps D51 forty MEGABYTES three twenty
one mbps D52 three hundred GIGABITE seven one hundred
one mbps D23 1GB ten 260
one mbps D53 1GB thirty 320
one mbps D24 two GIGABITE thirty 425
one mbps D25 4 GIG thirty 750
one mbps D26 eight GIGABITE thirty one thousand
one mbps D33 thirty GIGABITE thirty 2300
two mbps D54 five GIGABITE thirty twelve hundred
two mbps D55 seven GIGABITE thirty 1600
two mbps D27 10GB thirty 2200
two mbps D28 thirty GIGABITE thirty 5k
256 killerbytes per second F1 three GIGABITE thirty three hundred and fifty
256 killerbytes per second F2 seven GIGABITE thirty 600
256 killerbytes per second F3 thirty GIGABITE ten 1050
512 killerbytes per second F21 1GB thirty two hundred and twenty
512 killerbytes per second F4 three GIGABITE thirty 410
512 killerbytes per second F22 five GIGABITE thirty six hundred
512 killerbytes per second F5 seven GIGABITE thirty 750
512 killerbytes per second F6 twelve GIGABITE thirty nine hundred
512 killerbytes per second F7 sixteen GIGABITE thirty 1150
512 killerbytes per second F8 thirty-five GIGABITE thirty 1,500
one mbps F23 five GIGABITE thirty 750
one mbps F9 10GB thirty toll free
one mbps F10 20GB thirty 2150
one mbps F11 forty GIGABITE thirty three thousand
two mbps F12 10GB thirty 2300
two mbps F13 20GB thirty four thousand

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